This is a blog of my Katimavik experience between November 2005 and August 2006 while I live and work for 3 months in each of the following places: Alfred, ON; Shawinigan, QC; Stephenville, NF.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Adventures in House Managing

Since Krista was scheduled to be a house manager this week someone else had to step up and take her place, that person was me. It promises to be a pretty hectic week since we have to plan and do our final presentation, prepare our house for the next group, and cook a ton of extra food for the final presentation and the next group, as well as food for our entire cluster at rotation camp (just one meal luckily).

Me and Olivier (my co-House Manager for the week) decided to get an early start this morning at 8:30 instead of the usual 9:30. We started by making bread, of which mine turned out slightly disasterous. We still have a bunch of organic flour types that Gabby bought a few weeks ago and told us we should use up this week. So I had the bright idea of making all corn flour bread, which of course doesn't work because corn flour isn't exactly flour, and my mixture doesn't come close to the consistency of bread. I'm going to try to make buiscuits out of it instead, but I have no clue how they'll turn out.

We'd planned on leaving to do groceries at 9:00 having planned out our menu for the week and made our grocery list yesterday, however the bread took longer then planned and we ended up not leaving until 10:00. It worked out fine though because we did groceries in a record 1 hour and were $100 under budget which is good because we'll probably have to buy more things later this week.

This afternoon we get to clean the entire house (except bedrooms of course). I anticipate that it will go well but I'm not looking forward to cleaning the bathrooms as they haven't been cleaned since before billeting (luckily no one used them for those 2 weeks, but our bathrooms get dirty in even a few days and they haven't been cleaned in at least 4.

UPDATE: The buiscuits turned out...edible. You wouldn't want to eat them plain, but with butter or honey they're not too bad

PHOTO: The buiscuits


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck Darlene!!!

7:23 a.m.


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