This is a blog of my Katimavik experience between November 2005 and August 2006 while I live and work for 3 months in each of the following places: Alfred, ON; Shawinigan, QC; Stephenville, NF.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Last Night

The first day of housemanaging went surprisingly well, although while we were cooking dinner it seemed at one point that we needed a 5th element. We were boiling noodles on one, cooking a ton of meatballs on two, and cooking the sauce on the last, but we still needed to boil separate noodles for Gabby who since she's allergic to gluten can't eat regular noodles. Luckily the meatballs were finished so we put them all together in one pan just to keep them warm.

It was after dinner that everything went downhill.

Adrian after leaving was harboring some ill feelings towards Andy and apparently wrote a 3 page letter to Katimavik (we still don't believe that Adrian actually wrote 3 pages) saying that when Andy had bought him alcohol during billeting for which Andy recieved a Final Warning, was not the first time Andy had bought alcohol for a minor while in Katimavik. Gabby was told to investigate the situation and last night we were really worried that Andy would also be kicked out of the program. Needless to say a LOT of tears were shed last night. Gabby gave us some space to work out issues in our group.

Everything is worked out now though. Andy will be staying in the program, another member of our program will be recieving a Final Warning for underaged drinking, and 2 others (myself included) will be recieving Commitment to Improves (CTIs) for drinking in the house. I'm not too concerned however since CTIs don't carry over to the next trimester, so it'll be gone within the week.

After we were all cried out, and had worked out our issues, we decided to work on our t-shirts that we'd been planning for awhile and had scheduled for the night before all the other stuff came up.

PHOTO: My decorated t-shirt drying.


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