This is a blog of my Katimavik experience between November 2005 and August 2006 while I live and work for 3 months in each of the following places: Alfred, ON; Shawinigan, QC; Stephenville, NF.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Fire Drill

We ended our first weekly Sunday meetings with a fire drill (planned of course). Chantal had the brilliant idea of turning out all the lights, making us put pillow cases over our heads and putting us each in a different room and then seeing how fast we could get out of the house and to our meeting place. The pillow cases were hillarious, and as was stumbling around in the dark (fortunately I only had to go around a corner and up some stairs to the door), and we managed to all make it to the meeting place in 45 seconds.

PHOTOS: (left) Us in our pillow cases (yes we do look like some crazy cult), (right) Us with our pillow cases up. From left to right (back row) Lesley, Darlene (me), Olivier (middle row) Andy, Becky, Amélie, Mélissa (front row) Tamara.


Blogger mouse said...

hehehe you all look silly! Hi Darlene! I hope you guys are all doing well.. and that the house is cool. We miss you all tons!


5:50 p.m.


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