This is a blog of my Katimavik experience between November 2005 and August 2006 while I live and work for 3 months in each of the following places: Alfred, ON; Shawinigan, QC; Stephenville, NF.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Cabane à Sucre

Yesterday we went to a Cabane à Sucre (Sugur Shack) to volunteer/get a free lunch. We helped them shovel out some of the pipes and a path to some building that has water in it I think. We also helped them tap some trees which was rediculously hard because the snow was super deep. There were a few layers of ice in it so sometimes you could walk on top but a lot of the time I just fell through, waist deep mostly. Half the time I ended up just crawling since that's where I ended up anyway and it took less energy then falling and getting back up every two steps. Thank goodness I was wearing snowpants and my new boots.

Lunch was delicious and huge. Lots of cheese and pickles, and a yummy vegetable soup, home made bread, some kind of meat spread, ham, beans, salty pig something or other (called ears in French, but they're not really ears), and sugar pie for desert, I thought I was going to die. Then we had snow toffy later for a snack.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad your eating well. Wish I was there!

7:54 p.m.


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