This is a blog of my Katimavik experience between November 2005 and August 2006 while I live and work for 3 months in each of the following places: Alfred, ON; Shawinigan, QC; Stephenville, NF.

Friday, March 17, 2006

"Violence is not the way to solve bad grammar"

"Violence is not the way to solve bad grammar" - Le Grammairière

Ok, so this is just a post to celebrate my own genius. For our French class we're currently writing a comic strip. Me and Andy our working together and we decided to make up our own super hero for it. He was initially "Super Grammar Man" although it was never more then a working title and since it also needs to be translated to French we settled on "Le Grammairière". The above is a line (a great line) from the comic strip. Stay tuned for the fully completed comic strip, although unfortunately for most of you it will be in French.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


This was the funniest part of my day - and that includes making play money with the face of the President from the Livesaving Society Board of Directors.

10:40 a.m.


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