This is a blog of my Katimavik experience between November 2005 and August 2006 while I live and work for 3 months in each of the following places: Alfred, ON; Shawinigan, QC; Stephenville, NF.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Youth Volunteer/Earthday

Yesterday we went to volunteer at a camp for Youth Volunteer Day, which was also Earthday. It was a super long day but we had a lot of fun. It was slightly frustrating at times because we've had a busy week and wanted some time off, and there was a lot of time at the camp that we weren't actually useful.

The camp itself was beautiful, situated on Lac de la Coeur (Heart Lake) and was well maintained. We noticed this especially after the really bad camp we visited for our rotation camp between Alfred and Shawinigan.

Our main reason for being there was to 'animate' an activity for them, that ended up only lasting for 20 minutes. We did a treasure hunt style game where they were given a list of things to find and bring back. One of the things was the signature of as many Katimavik participants, so we got to go hide and they tried to find us. I picked a really hard spot and didn't think anyone would find me, but four groups did. One of the groups also wanted to take my socks, as red socks were one of the things they had to find, and surprisingly I was wearing matching socks that day. I didn't give them my socks thought, mostly because they were gross and sweaty and I really didn't think they wanted them that way.

One of the best things about the camp was this cool boot camp style obstacle course that we got to do a couple times, but more details later, I have to go cook breakfast.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HaHa, It sound like you are having lots of fun. Though it sounds a little trying too! Wish i was there to shoulder my share of the work. Even though I've never been any good at hide and seek. Good luck with breakfast!

7:45 p.m.


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